Week 1 Photo Journalism

     I am Jacob Smith. This is my second year and my major is an AAOT transfer with a focus on psychology. Psychology has always interested me, learning how and why people behave in certain ways. I want to turn this degree into something that allows me to help people, with the goal being to become a therapist. Another big part of my life involves soccer, as I have played the sport since I was 5 years old. I also have become very invested in the professional leagues, consistently ruining my sleep schedule so I can get up early to watch Tottenham play.

    One reason I took this class because both photography and journalism sounded interesting to me. Most of my classes so far were required courses, so I decided to take this semester as an opportunity to explore other options and see what appealed to me. I am a bit more interested in the photography aspect of this course, having taken a photography class back in high school. I enjoyed going out and searching for photos, with my favorite photos to take being big landscape shots that I find to be particularly beautiful. Outside of the one class I've taken and taking a photo with my phone whenever I see some cool clouds, I don't have much photography experience. 

    One of my goals for this class is to improve on the variety of things I take photos of. I enjoy taking photos of landscapes and the sky, but it is also the only thing I take photos of. I am hoping to get more experience in taking photos of people and events, which can allow me to grow as a photographer. Another goal is for this class to allow me to become more outgoing. With us taking photos of events and people, I will be forced to talk to those I am taking photos of to get information and permission, so I am hoping that will become easier for me as the term goes on. One last thing is I am hoping to see if photography is truly a passion of mine I should pursue further. Photography has always interested me, and I enjoy it, so I am hoping that this class can give me more experience to see if it is something I want to spend more time on. 

Three Photo's:

View overlooking OSU cow fields and mountains

Student Leadership Council Event Task Force running a plant and book exchange in the Road Runners Cafe

Veterans open house table conversation


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